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(2 edits) (+1)

Super thanks! very helpful for a noob like me!
I just have 2 questions if its possible:

1. Is it possible to have say "multiple chats" - right now if I first text e.g. Friend A, then later want to text with Friend B, they show up in the same "chat history". So it appears to be one big group chat, insted of multiple 1on1 dialogues. 

A potential option/workaround could be to not save the "chat" history.  So every time the phone is called it starts blank and  you can just manage via the dialogue who is part of the current convo. This part sounds like it should be doable, is there anyone that can point me in the right direction for how to achieve it?

EDIT: nvl clear was the simple answer for this :)

2. If you send pictures, so a stand alone img tag like 
e_nvl "{image=phone/test.png}"

Is it possible to not apply the send/receive_frame? A small picture inside a bigger white area is what happens now. 

the work around I have thought of for this is not having the actual character send the picture, but some generic "picture uploader" character which uses fully transparant background.

This I imagine might be a bit harder, but lets be honest it's more icing on the cake at this point, but nevertheless, if anyone have made some adjustments on this it would be nice to share! :)

Thanks again!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, thanks for the kind word!

Multiple chat would be a bit more involved. As you said, the simplest way would be to clear the nvl text; but this way you can't see previous message from past conversation.

I have done something more complexe for a client, but it's a solution that would be hard to make generic enough to fit most people needs. The trick is that the nvl conversation are stored in the nvl_list variable, as a simple list. So you could copy the list before doing the clear, and then restore this list with your copy when you want to open the conversation again.

If I can make something easy to use and generic enough with this principle I'll make it public, but for now this is just the basic idea in case you or someone else want to do it :)

For something even more complexe it's best to not use the nvl screen directly.

And good idea for the transparent images! It would require some tweaks but when I have time to make a V2 that will definitely be on it!

Have a very nice day 🌺


I ended up doing this and it worked quite well. Although I ended up not using the copy command and just assigned the nvl_list to a different variable for each contact. It looks something like this:

label SaveContact:
if open_text == contact1:
$ contact1 = nvl_list

label LoadContact1:
$ nvl_list = contact1
$ open_text = "contact1"


hi!! i saw that you were able to create multiple contacts, is it okay if you could explain what you did further? id love to know your process!! 

(11 edits) (+2)

I can try my best! So first you need a way to save the history of text. I do this by checking which character was open last and save the text history to a variable.
(replace character 1 and 2 with whatever your character's names are and make sure you have defined each of their nvl names)

label history_save:
    if open_text == "Character 1":         $ character1_history = nvl_list #base renpy variable that already exists     elif open_text == "Character 2":         $ character2_history = nvl_list

Then whenever a text event is called it first updates which character is texting and loads the character's text history. Then after they finish texting it saves.

label Character1_Text1:
    $ nvl_list = character1_history
    $ open_text = "Character 1"#this variable can also be used to give each character different visuals on their messaging screen with if statements
    nvl_narrator "Character 1 added to contacts"
    c1_nvl "Hello. It's me."
    call history_save

That should be all you need for basic texting with multiple characters but if you are like me and want to be able to check back whenever at previous texts you need another way to load their texts. All you need is a contacts screen with buttons for each character(there are plenty of tutorials on how to make gui online). When the player clicks on a button, hide the contacts screen and call the label associated with that character.

label character1_history_load:
    $ nvl_list = character1_history
    $ open_text = "Character 1"
    nvl_narrator "" #just an empty text so the nvl screen shows. I know it's weird but it was the only way I could get it to work.
    $ nvl_list.pop() #removes the empty text
    show screen ContactsScreen #to go back to the previous screen where you have all your characters contacts listed

There are probably more optimized ways to do this but I found this is what worked for me and my game. I also have time based events in place and this worked very well with that!


Thank you for your sharing! I think this is what I need, but I try to add the above codes in my game, it just come out  with a lot of errors... And as a complete beginner I just don't know what to do... Could you please upload the screen.rpy and the rpy that holding the above labels? I really want to have the contact list and contact history for different characters... Many thanks!!

init python:
    character1_history = []
    character2_history = []
define Character1 = Character('Character1', color="#14d114", kind=nvl)
define Character2 = Character('Character2', color="#f6170b", kind=nvl)  
label start:
    scene bg room
    show eileen happy
    Character1 "Вы создали новую игру Ren'Py."
    Character1 "Вы создали новую игру Ren'Py."
    Character1 "Вы создали новую игру Ren'Py."
    Character1 "Вы создали новую игру Ren'Py." 
    call history_save("Character 1")
    Character2 "Добавьте сюжет, изображения и музыку и отправьте её в мир!"
    Character2 "Добавьте сюжет, изображения и музыку и отправьте её в мир!"
    Character2 "Добавьте сюжет, изображения и музыку и отправьте её в мир!"
    Character2 "Добавьте сюжет, изображения и музыку и отправьте её в мир!"
    call history_save("Character 2")
    jump contacts
label history_save(open_text):
        for i in nvl_list:
            if open_text == "Character 1":
            elif open_text == "Character 2":
    nvl clear
label character_history_load(character):
    if character == "Character 1":
        $ nvl_list = character1_history
        nvl_narrator ""
        $ nvl_list.pop()
    elif character == "Character 2":
        $ nvl_list = character2_history
        nvl_narrator ""
        $ nvl_list.pop()
label contacts:
        "choose character"
        "Character 1":
            call character_history_load("Character 1")
        "Character 2":
            call character_history_load("Character 2")
    jump contacts
Deleted 210 days ago

Hi! Normally the only thing that should skip the main menu is these lines at the top of script.rpy

#Skip the main menu
label main_menu:

In case you still have this problem, make sure to delete script.rpyc (the binary file) to be sure it's up to date. Sorry for the late response, I hope this can at least help someone. Don't hesitate if you have any more question.
Have a nice day!

Deleted 210 days ago

hey! thanks so much for this, it's been really useful for my project.

i was wondering if there was a way to implement menu choices inside the phone, to have the player choose what to reply with? thanks so much in advance for your help!


Hi ! Someone made a small modification to make it happen, I didn't tested it but it can be useful :)

Thank you for using my code, I'm glad it's useful!

perfect, works like a charm! thank you so much :D

Deleted 2 years ago

I love this! Thanks so much for sharing it here. :D


I've been looking for a messaging UI for ages TT

Thank you for this, I would offer my soul to you if I could _| ̄|○

I'll make sure to credit you in my project :)))

Thank you so, so much for the easy to implement phone UI! It's so clean and easy! I was wondering if there's a way to customize the little round image icon of the replying person in a text convo based on which character is replying? Like, giving replying characters unique icons, basically. If there is I'm totally blanking on it. Thank you!

Thanks a lot for your kind message :)

I've posted a very simple solution here, hope it help!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!!

how do i put it in where?

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