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Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has issues with using speech bubbles in Ren'py 8.1.1 with the phone and if anyone has found a workaround. Here is the exception:

raise Exception("A speech bubble is being used, but has not been set."


Hello! This code has been published long before Ren'py added the speech bubble feature. 

Games made before the release of Ren'Py 8.1 won't include the default screens and settings required for the speech bubble system. 

You can refer to the documentation here to add support to this project:


Used it for! Thank you so much! We couldn't have completed our game without your help!!

In my game phone appears twice. First time for just a moment fixed on the spot, immediately after appears for the 2nd time from the bottom.


Is there a way to make the text from the MC align to the left instead?


Hi, while I can't give you the answer, I can give hope :) I have done exactly what you asked long ago while messing with the texting. Control f search "align" and it should be located wherever the Players chat box is ran


Late. But hard-coding the mc_name worked for me.

Phone is not showed in my game. Am I doing something wrong?


You have to add the "PhoneTexting.rpy" to your "game" folder. Then you have to replace the nvl screen in the screens.rpy with the nvl section from the asset pack. look for the comment


and then add the phone image files from the asset pack as well.

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you! 


if anyone knows how to change the font and icon sizes please let me know.


Hello, thank you for the awesome work! It really helps me but i have a question.

is it possible to change the text size of the dialogue on the phone?

(2 edits)

if you go to the PhoneTexting.rpy file there is a screen called nvl_phonetext. look for vbox about 42 lines down. now find text d.who and simply add the size attribute, like this:

text d.who:
    size 30

this changes the characters name size displayed on the phone, if you liked the size before, simply don't add the code above.

for the text sizes in the messages it's basically the same except it's text d.what. you can find this a little further down. it already has attributes assigned, so just add the size underneath those.

text d.what:
    pos (0,0)
    xsize 350
    slow_cps False
    size 28

the sizes i put in there are just suggestions, you can put in whatever you like best.

hope this helped!

Hey! Awesome work! :)
May I ask how did you manage to create a "chat log"? I mean, how did you manage to make the messages stay on screen and scroll?
Thank you in advance!

(2 edits)

Hello, anyone know why i don't see my MC name  ? 

define nvl_mode = "phone"
define MC_Name = "Me"
init -1 python:
    phone_position_x = 0.3
    phone_position_y = 0.5
    def Phone_ReceiveSound(event, interact=True, **kwargs):
        if event == "show_done":
    def Phone_SendSound(event, interact=True, **kwargs):
        if event == "show_done":
    def print_bonjour():
transform phone_transform(pXalign=0.5, pYalign=0.5):
    xcenter pXalign
    yalign pYalign
transform phone_appear(pXalign=0.5, pYalign=0.5): #Used only when the dialogue have one element
    xcenter pXalign
    yalign pYalign
    on show:
        yoffset 1080
        easein_back 1.0 yoffset 0
transform message_appear(pDirection):
    alpha 0.0
    xoffset 50 * pDirection
        ease 0.5 alpha 1.0
        easein_back 0.5 xoffset 0
transform message_appear_icon():
    zoom 0.0
    easein_back 0.5 zoom 1.0
transform message_narrator:
    alpha 0.0
    yoffset -50
        ease 0.5 alpha 1.0
        easein_back 0.5 yoffset 0
screen PhoneDialogue(dialogue, items=None):
    style_prefix "phoneFrame"
    frame at phone_transform(phone_position_x, phone_position_y):
        if len(dialogue) == 1:
            at phone_appear(phone_position_x, phone_position_y)
            draggable True
            mousewheel True
            # cols 1
            yinitial 1.0
            # scrollbars "vertical"
                null height 20
                use nvl_phonetext(dialogue)
                null height 100
screen nvl_phonetext(dialogue):
    style_prefix None
    $ previous_d_who = None
    for id_d, d in enumerate(dialogue):
        if d.who == None: # Narrator
            text d.what:
                xpos -335
                ypos 0.0
                xsize 330
                text_align 0.0
                #italic True
                size 20
                slow_cps False
                id d.what_id
                if d.current:
                at message_narrator
            if d.who == MC_Name:
                $ message_frame = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/004_send_frame.png"
                $ message_frame = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/003_received_frame.png"
                spacing 10
                if d.who == MC_Name:
                    box_reverse False
                if previous_d_who != d.who:
                    if d.who == MC_Name:
                        $ message_icon = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/icon/phone_hero_icon.png"
                        $ message_icon = "images/(sg)01nvl_phone/icon/phone_"+d.who+"_icon.png"
                    add message_icon:
                        if d.current:
                            at message_appear_icon()
                    null width 50
                    yalign 1.0
                    if d.who != MC_Name and previous_d_who != d.who:
                        text d.who :
                            size 25
                        padding (10,2)
                        background Frame(message_frame, 23,23,23,23)
                        xsize 330
                        if d.current:
                            if d.who == MC_Name:
                                at message_appear(1)
                                at message_appear(-1)
                        text d.what:
                            pos (0,0)
                            xsize 330
                            slow_cps False
                            if d.who == MC_Name :
                                size 20
                                color "#d3d7da"
                                text_align 0.0
                            #    xpos -580
                                size 20
                                color "#d3d7da"
                            id d.what_id
        $ previous_d_who = d.who
style phoneFrame is default
style phoneFrame_frame:
    background Transform("images/(sg)01nvl_phone/002_phone_bkg.png", xcenter=0.5,yalign=0.5)
    foreground Transform("images/(sg)01nvl_phone/001_phone_frg.png", xcenter=0.5,yalign=0.5)
    ysize 815
    xsize 495
style phoneFrame_viewport:
    yfill True
    xfill True
    yoffset 30
    xoffset 40
style phoneFrame_vbox:
    spacing 10
    xfill True
<img src="" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; white-space: normal;">

You would see your Mc's name in the script file,  not in the phone file.
define the mc for the nvl mode
define mc_nvl = Character("Mc_name", kind=nvl, image="me", callback=Phone_ReceiveSound)

something like that...


scripthii! could you help me with using a custom name for mc? im kind of familiar with coding but not that good.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)


I also want to clean up the messages to change the conversation...

If you find the solution, I want it too please.



At the end of the conversation, you have to write nvl clear

Thanks lea for the cleaner :)

Hi! Forgive me for being a bit of a noob, but when I tried to download it, the zip file refuses to open as anything but an app. I can't seem to access the files??

Thank you! 

Deleted 1 year ago

if youre using mac, u should be able to open it with "open package contents" not sure how it is on windows tho

I used this in my game! :D It's amazing, simple, and easy to customize. Thanks so much!

It fits perfect to my project but the problem is that sending and receiving messages in white color, not like sender-receiver in the video. Any help?

Idk if you figured it out yet, but you have to define who the main character is in the 'PhoneTexting.rpy' file. This is the line you have to edit. 

> define MC_Name = "Nighten" ##The name of the main character, used to place them on the screen

Change this to the name of your main character and make sure it matches what you have in your main script file!


I have the same issue as a previous poster but I haven't been able to find an answer.  I am trying to use the system for multiple characters (more than 1 MC).  I have it set up so that each character has a separate image for both the send and receive icons and gave them unique variables to call for each.  The ONLY way the code seems to work is if I manually type the character's name.  For example: 
mc1_nvl = "Steve"  and nvl_mc1 = Character("Steve") -- this works
mc1_nvl = "Steve"  and steve = Character("Steve") and nvl_mc1 = Character("[steve]") -- this works
mc1_nvl = "[steve]"  and steve = Character("Steve") and nvl_mc1 = Character("[steve]") -- this does not work
Essentially, if the name comes from a user-defined name it doesn't work.  It ONLY works if the default name is used.  I've tried using the variable by itself, the variable with quotes and square bracers, but nothing works.  It will show the name properly but shows the default icon and always shows the receive not the send (as that's the default for unknown).  The only way I can seem to get this to work is if I remove the variable names and have all names static, which isn't a good option.

Helloo !

I don't know if this will help you but here's how I did it.

In PhoneTexting : define MC_Name = "Me".

Then in script : define n = Character("[name]", image="mc", color="#0e7a38")

define n_nvl = Character("Me", kind=nvl, image="mc", callback=Phone_SendSound)

It doesn't mark the MC name, but it's on the sender's side.




How can I make it so the text advances when I click on the phone as opposed to outside of it?

in phonetexting.rpy, change "draggable" to false.

Looks really nice! I’m trying it with my own project right now and I need to ask if anyone has implemented side images/character icons in the system? If not, I might have to give it a shot.

OOP I just checked Vimi’s video.

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to apply transform effects to the phone itself? Y'know, moving it to the right of the screen, making it half-transparent, turning it 90 degrees, etc...

Thanks in advance :D

hi!! this is working great, im currently altering the code to fit into a discord-style desktop chatroom. im just having issues figuring out how the make the text extend longer rather than be multiple lines (like ----------------- instead of



what would i need to alter?

In the nvl_phonetext screen you can see that the "what" text has a xsize defined, increase this number and it should work :) There is probably other value that need changing but I'm not able to test atm

Let me know!

Unsure if you still check up on this, but I'm trying to do a similar thing and changing the xsize under nvl_phonetext didn't change it. Were either of you able to figure it out? I feel like I've messed with everything and still haven't figured it out.

i have no clue if youre still active on this account but I just wanted to ask if choices in your nvl mode turned up? Ive managed to alter everything to get it to look how i want it to look like a discord style chatroom but when i try to get choices to show it wont work and it just sort of freezes at the choice.

Hello :D

This is hella amazing hahaha

I'm just having some troubles to get the phone send frame and icon fixed correctly... 

I'm using this on my VN:


        name = renpy.input("Please, type your character's name.")

        name = name.strip() or "MC"

But I'm not being able to get the phone send frame/icon this way... It's like the MC is actually another person bahaha

I made some tests directly in your code, and got the same results :/

# Main script for the demo!

define n = Character("[name]", image="nighten")

# NVL characters are used for the phone texting

define n_nvl = Character("[name]", kind=nvl, image="nighten", callback=Phone_SendSound)

define e_nvl = Character("Eileen", kind=nvl, callback=Phone_ReceiveSound)

define config.adv_nvl_transition = None

define config.nvl_adv_transition = Dissolve(0.3)

#Skip the main menu

label main_menu:


label start:

    scene bg village with dissolve

    pause 1.0

    show nighten normal e1m1 at center:

        yoffset 1080

        ease 0.7 yoffset 0


        name = renpy.input("Please, type your character's name. For a more immersive experience it's recommended to use your name.")

        name = name.strip() or "MC"

    n "Hello! Welcome to this demo!"

# Here's the code for the phone!

define nvl_mode = "phone"  ##Allow the NVL mode to become a phone conversation

define MC_Name = "[name]" ##The name of the main character, used to place them on the screen

init -1 python:

    phone_position_x = 0.3

    phone_position_y = 0.5

result .-.

pls, help bahaha I'm very new to programming and I'm not sure if I need to make more changes to your code so that variable works.



Hello! Thanks for the detailed question.

After the "name = name.strip() or "MC", add "$ MC_Name = name" and it should work fine. 

Have a nice day!

How can I change phone background mid-game?

Ok, so I have used this with great success, but when the phone needs to close, I get like a glitch where the last message is shown multiple times and even if I load a new scene, for a second the phone appears on the new screen and after that it disappears. What can be the problem here? Did you encounter this problem?


I have resolved this issue. It seems nvl hide works just fine if I need to close the phone. Thank you for the script!

Hey there! :)
I encountered the same problem aswell. Do you mind sharing how you solved the issue? Thanks in advance!

(1 edit)

Hello! I tried using the code, but whenever i try to launch the game it reads ; "File "game/screens.rpy", line 1297: end of line expected. if nvl_mode == "phone":" I'm quite new to Renpy so excuse me if this is a stupid question! 

Hello! There's probably a problem with the indentation? It's hard to tell without seeing your code, but make sure it look the same in the original project :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey there! I'm trying to use your code but when I put it in my game, I'm having a really weird problem. Despite the history showing that the text is going through for the narrator and the main character, it shows up as blank. However, other characters DO work. Do you happen to know what could be causing this? I'm afraid you might not be able to help because it doesn't seem to do it in a brand-new game, only the one I've been working on for a few months now, but I thought I'd ask, anyway, and see if you have any ideas. Thanks! :)

EDIT: Nvm! I figured it out. It was my padding!

hi! I'm having a similar problem and am wondering if you could explain a bit further what was wrong?

Sure! So basically, I had previously set up NVL mode to be centered in the screen, including from top to bottom. This transferred into the phone version and pushed the name and dialogue down where you couldn't see it anymore. Setting things back to the default fixed it, hence why I didn't have the problem in a fresh project. Does that help?

Yes, it was! Thank you so much!


Hey, I want to give you credit for the phone system in my visual novel, what pseudonym or name do you want me to use to refer to you?


Hi ! You can simply refer to me as "Nighten" :)

I don't have any social media to promote so you can link to my itch or this page directly

(1 edit)

can you please help mee...? i want to show to the main character name..cuz it only shows eillen name ... what should i do...?


In PhoneTexting.rpy, make these changes at line ~115

                yalign 1.0
                #### Instead of this
                # if d.who != MC_Name and previous_d_who != d.who:
                    # text d.who
                #### Type that:
                if previous_d_who != d.who:
                    if d.who != MC_Name:
                        text d.who
                        text d.who:
                            xalign 1.0
                            xoffset -15

Be careful about the indentation!

it works !!! Thank you for your help <3

Hello! Do you have an idea how I can adapt it to a novel in 720p? Thanks so much for reading.


Hello, you'd have to make a ton of modification to adapt it to 720p; mainly reduce the size of the images and redefine a lot of values throughout the code. I can't do that easily for you, sorry.

Are you still trying to do this?  It took some playing around but I got a workable model.  LMK

I am trying to do this. Any help would be appreciated 

are you still in this?

I'm still needing this yes.

Thank you so much for this! I was able to integrate it into my game quite well! I just have a quick question. 

How do you open and close the screen without adding new texts? I tried show/hide screen PhoneDialogue but it doesn't seem to work cause it needs an input.


Hello !

nvl show and nvl hide should fill this function. I hope this answer your question!

Thank you for using my code :)

(1 edit)

I tried that out in both my code and editing the base code and nvl hide seems to work but nvl show doesn't.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Ended up just showing a blank message to bring up the screen and then using the list.pop() function to remove it after

Hello! So in renpy I made it where the player can insert their name in the story. Which I used as the string [player_name] but when I put "[player_name]" as the MC_Name it doesn"t use the phone send icon like it's supposed to just the phone received icon. As if it's another character in the game and not the main character. Why is this?

Also found out it only works when the player decides to choose their name literally puts in "[player_name]" as their character name

Hello! Yes Ren'Py doesn't replace variable between brackets everywhere, so that's why your example only work when the player input literally [player_name].

I don't have a way to test right now, but simply defining MC_Name = player_name rather than MC_Name = "[player_name]" should work. Let me know if it does! :)

It came up as an error but I decided to put in another variable and it works! :3 Thank you so much for replying though!

Deleted 2 years ago

how did u go around it?
I'm having the same trouble

is it possible to make voice calls with this?

Hum, you could just display the image of the phone and the person you're calling inside it, and just use regular renpy dialogue.

If you meant voice message, it is not built in, although you can technically just display an image of a voice text (like a sound wave) and use renpy to add dub voice to that line. A cheap hack, but one that doesn't require a lot of work.

Don't hesitate if you want to precise what you're looking for!

Have a nice day 

Thanks! This is what I needed to know

Anyone know why the phone in my window is too bigger than expected and how to fix that ?


That's probably because your project is in 720p ; this phone is built with 1080p in mind!

¿Pudiste arreglarlo? Tengo la misma duda.

hello I don't know where to find the copy and paste you used in the video

Did you downloaded the project? Everything should be in here, in the game folder :)

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